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How do I go live on Facebook for Computer

Welcome everyone to this web site.

Today's topic is, How do I go live on Facebook for Computer.

How do I go live on Facebook for Computer

Below is How do I go live on Facebook for Computer ðŸ”»
  • Click Live Video at the top of your News Feed.
  • Write something about your live video.
  • Click Go Live.
Note: Use the Google Chrome web browser to go live from your computer.

Secret Tips : https://www.facebook.com/live/create

1. Set Up

Choose the live streaming software you want to use, such as OBSWirecast or XSplit.
2. Connect
You can go live from a profile, Page, group or event. Select Create Live Stream to begin.

3. Broadcast

Copy the stream key to your software's settings when you create a live stream.

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Easeen Hasan
The Tech Trainer

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